- Une cabane vers Cancale
- Agneaux de prés salés dans les herbus
- La mytiliculture en baie du Mont St Michel
- Moulin à Cherrueix
- Plage du sillon à St Malo
- Cathédrale de Dol de Bretagne
- Cancale par la route de la corniche
- Fort national à St Malo
- Pointe du Grouin à Cancale
- Les bouchots à marée basse
- Cancale, parcs à huitres
- Menhir du Champ Dolent à Dol de Bretagne
The surroundings
Le Mont Saint-Michel
Called “the beauty of the Occident”, Le Mont Saint Michel points at the heart of a wide bay overrun by the biggest tides in Europe.
Ranked as a world heritage by UNESCO in 1979, this highly tourist place has more than 3 millions persons per year to visit it.
To visit : The Abbey, museums, Churches …
The spring tide in the Mont Saint-Michel’s Bay
When the spring tides comes, there is 15 meters between the sea levels of the high and low tide (this is the equivalent of a 5 floors building).
The Bouchots mussels in the Mont Saint-Michel’s Bay
The growing of mussels is an art in the Mont Saint Michel’s Bay. Today, the mussels of the Bay can be proud of being the first sea product to get a label guaranteeing its quality.
The pirates’s city likes to take care of its nautical aspect and is known as “French nautical port”. In fact, it is the scene of the most important sailing events such as “la Route du Rhum” or the Transat Quebec – Saint Malo, which takes place every 4 year.
This medieval town, which overlooks the exceptionnal site of the Rance valley is one of the most beautiful town in Brittany. Its historical monuments are unique : belfry, convents, churches, and very old houses, narrow streets …
From the Mont Saint Michel to the Cap Fréhel, you can enjoy the beautiful coast by taking the coastal road passing through Saint Malo, Dinard, Dol, or Cancale.
If you want to reach the open sea for a day, you can meet in Saint Malo to go to Jersey and Guernesey Islands.